advertising specialities, promotional merchandise, bespoke custom printed gifts, disposables and many more.

Due to the Chinese New Year, factories for most of our products will be closed from January 20th to February 13th. Please contact us for updated delivery schedules.

Order process

Choose your products:
Check out our catalog, find the products you like and see the price per piece, total price and production time change with your desired quantity and set of options. Need something else? If it fits our catalog we will happily add it in a few days. Just write a message through the contact form. Need different versions of the same product (Like 3 different models playing cards of the same paper and print)? Just name each version different in the version bar.
Add to cart to calculate shipping:
Click on the “add to cart button” to calculate different shipping options and associated costs and transit times. Note that shipping is always calculated on the total order. Seafreight will be quite expensive for smaller orders, but won’t get much more expensive as you add more products. Airfreight and express are cheaper for smaller orders but will get more expensive very fast.
Proceed to checkout finalize quotation request:
Please provide us with the delivery and billing address, those might come in handy later when we want to send you samples and the final contract. Click on the submit quotation request button to finalize your request. You should receive an e-mail within 5 minutes with the details of you request.
Discuss the details:
One of our project managers will normally contact you within one business day to confirm your request and talk over the details. This is also the time when he/she will ask for your artwork or logo and discuss samples. Because we generally ship from China, we have to ask a small shipping fee for non printed samples. For printed samples (if possible) we have to ask a sample fee in addition, depending on the nature of the products. Both fees are reimbursed on your last payment when you order with us.
Get samples:
After everything is settled and we received your shipping and/or sample fee we will send you the samples. Like them and want to order? Sign the contract and send it back to us. After we received your down payment we will start production. Your sample will be an integral part of our contract, please keep it in a safe place.
During and after production our qualified staff will regularly check the quality of your products. We will also make sure no child labor is involved in your production (we will never do business with companies employing children), production is more or less sustainable and the companies involved have some form of waste management. We don’t solely rely on documents, corruption in China makes these worthless most of the time. We are in China and use that for some common sense factory comparison.
Quality shipping agencies will ship your products from China to Amsterdam (Airfreight), Rotterdam (Seafreight) or directly to you (Express). Our freight forwarder will expedite the products to your company in case of Airfreight and Seafreight after they cleared customs. Express shipments will clear customs in your own country. You will receive an extra invoice from them for import taxes and VAT. Want part of your Seafreight shipment by express? Just ask your project manager for details.
After delivery your project manager will contact you to check if everything arrived and send you the invoice for your last payment. Bet you will be back soon?